Storage Boilers
Storage Boiler
Storage Boilers
Boilers are excellent for combining with different heat sources in one system. For example, using conventional energy sources such as gas with the solar thermal system. This provides great flexibility when planning your new heating system or wanting to upgrade an older system.
These boilers for heating water and producing hot water present optimal thermal insulation that saves energy during heating and prevents heat loss during storage. Hot water is always at your disposal. This guarantees the highest levels of comfort for your heating and hot water needs.
The Thermal Account is an incentive system that promotes the implementation of operations to increase energy efficiency and the production of thermal energy from renewable sources for small plants. The Thermal Account – introduced by the Ministerial Decree Economic Development 28 December 2012 – was renewed with the D.M. Economic Development February 16, 2016, the so-called Thermal Account 2.0, which provides, among other things, an inspection of the size of the eligible plants, an expansion of the access methods and of the subjects admitted (PAs also include in-house companies and cooperatives of inhabitants) and new energy efficiency measures.
The replacement or new installation of winter air conditioning systems equipped with heat generators powered by biomass fuels is facilitated.
MORE ON THE BENEFIT: Tax deduction from IRPEF or IRES taxes: 50% of the total costs paid.
The intervention can take be a total or partial replacement of the winter air conditioning system with a new one equipped with a biomass generator, or as an integration or new installation on existing buildings.